Friday, February 20, 2009

Dez x Dibbs = Bigfoot's Dick

Click cover art for FREE download of the mixtape.

from Dez:

"I went back in the lab and completed two projects. the first is a mixtape (cliche i know) that i decided to start just on a whim after rediscovering the supreme sexiness of the girls of envogue. just writing for the fuck of it and keeping things light, i (with the help of friend deejaytone) ended up having 20-plus songs just sitting in the stash. taking a trip to fashion trade-show in vegas (MAGIC) with deejaygyro and geoff and the boys from guerillafist clothiers last winter i found myself for a four-day weekend drinking, farting, and watching howard the duck on the same couch as atmosphere/el-p touring dj, mr. dibbs. a couple hundred cigarettes, a few arm-wrestling matches, and one suprisingly not-so-awkward night of spooning he agreed to weave my cover songs together into one continuous blend now known as bigfoot’s dick."


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